
A brief update, since the last posts on this blog were from quite some time ago.

From 2008 to 2012, I served as the 7th and 8th grade gifted and talented coordinator for Easton Area Middle School. It was a great gig, I had a lot of latitiude with how to use my time, when and where I could see my students. Additionally, I taught two sections of math, Algebra and Geometry for students that were accelerated 2-3 years ahead of their grade level peers. I cannot stress how lucky I was in my position. I was part teacher, part case manager, part advocate, part counselor. I feel so strongly and clearly how those four years were absolutely formative in helping shape my identity and self-concept as an educator. Unfortunately, times are tough, and in 2012 I was furloughed from my position. It was a very stressful time, not only from a financial point of view, but also because I was going into my final year of graduate work, which required that I complete action research in a classroom.

Thankfully, I was brought back for one year to teach 7th grade social studies as a long-term subsitute to cover a year-long medical leave of absence. It was utterly seredipitous. I got one more year to finish my degree. I was finally teaching social studies, which is my primary certification. And of course a continuation of paychecks and benefits was pleasant. There was even something strangely freeing in knowing that I was only in for one year, with almost zero chance of being brought back again due to the continued financial difficulties of the district.

So, summer of 2013, with my hard-earned Masters degree in hand (seriously…the Moravian College grad program for teachers was phenominal; without a doubt the most significant formal educational experience of my life. I cannot recommend it highly enough if you live in Eastern PA), I began my job search in earnest. By the end of August, I was hired at the Pennridge School District in Bucks County, PA. Again, even at the time I appreciated how “right” everything seemed. The interview was amazing. As in, I knew with 99% certaintly that I had the job walking out the door. Aside from the baseline stress of starting a work at a new school, and teaching a new curriculum for the first time, it has been awesome.

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